Stuttering is a speech condition that disrupts the normal flow of speech. Fluency means having an easy and smooth flow and rhythm when speaking. With stuttering, the interruptions in flow happen often and cause problems for the speaker. Other names for stuttering are stammering and childhood-onset fluency disorder.
People who stutter know what they want to say, but they have a hard time saying it. For example, they may repeat or stretch out a word, a syllable, or a consonant or vowel sound. Or they may pause during speech because they’ve reached a word or sound that’s hard to get out.
Stuttering is common among young children as a usual part of learning to speak. Some young children may stutter when their speech and language abilities aren’t developed enough to keep up with what they want to say. Most children outgrow this type of stuttering, called developmental stuttering.
But sometimes stuttering is a long-term condition that remains into adulthood. This type of stuttering can affect self-esteem and communicating with other people.
Children and adults who stutter may be helped by treatments such as speech therapy, electronic devices to improve speech fluency or a form of mental health therapy called cognitive behavioral therapy.
When to see a doctor
- High blood pressure.
- Diabetes.
- Heart failure.
- Some types of heart valve disease.
- Control high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
- Don't smoke or use tobacco.
- Eat a diet that's low in salt and saturated fat.
- Exercise at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week unless your health care team says not to.
- Get good sleep. Adults should aim for 7 to 9 hours daily.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Reduce and manage stress.
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